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Circumcision helping with cure for hair loss.

Scientists are getting closer to finding a cure for hair loss by using the foreskin of circumcised babies, according to a recent TIME article:

” The ideal solution would be one that prompts defective hair follicles to sprout new hair, or that allows transplanted follicles to have a greater chance of laying down roots. And in new research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists led by a team at Columbia University Medical Center reveal one potentially robust way of accomplishing this feat. Working from the knowledge that hair follicles may need just the right cellular and molecular environment to do their job, the scientists transplanted not just the hair follicles, which serve as the root for new hair growth, but the dermal papilla cells that accompany them………The hairs were still small, but the researchers are encouraged because they used human skin that normally is completely hairless — the foreskins from circumcised babies ”

Indeed it seems we may see a solution to hair loss in the future beyond the traditional methods we use today. For many men and women the ability to re grow some of their own hair naturally is enough. Will the new hair help them achieve the look and amount of hair they are after? That is yet to be seen. In a society where hair is an important factor in our general appearance, and getting it to look just right as quickly as possible is imperative, timely surgical procedures may not be everyone’s cup of tea. That’s the point. We are all unique and our hair needs vary and they will continue to do so. Keeping informed and working with a centre that offers a variety of solutions is important. A consultation is your best first step.

Reference: http://healthland.time.com/2013/10/21/closer-to-a-cure-for-baldness/

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