Improper Hair Care Can Cause Hair Loss
Are you confused as to why your hair is falling out? Turns out, all that time and effort you are putting into your hair care may in fact be what is contributing to your hair loss.

Hair Loss in Women Due to Hormone Changes
Birth control pills, pregnancy and menopause have all been shown to cause major hormone upheaval, which in turn, causes hair to fall out.

Hair Loss Due to Physiological Conditions
Hair loss is not something anyone chooses. It is an unfortunate affliction with many causes, one of them being physiological conditions, such as trichotillomania and stress, which will be explored in this article.

Hair Loss Due to Severe Dieting
Do you ever wonder why some people who seem young and relatively healthy resort to wearing hair wigs and trying hair loss replacement treatments?

Hair Loss Due to Autoimmune Conditions -Alopecia
Among the many causes of hair loss, the most frustrating can be alopecia, an autoimmune skin disease that affects five million people in the United States alone.

Protecting your Hair From The Summer Sun
Sun, salt, heat and chlorine are the enemies when it comes to your hair and you should do whatever you can to defend it.

To look good is to feel good. Female pattern baldness and thinning hair can be painful, devastating, and embarrassing. One in four women has it.

All You Need to Know About Genetic Hair Loss
Hair loss can come form various causes and getting to know these causes can help you prevent them or do something about it even when the ailment seems to be irreversible.

Chemotherapy: One of the Major Causes of Hair Loss
Hair loss can be traced from a number of causes. They can be a simple one or might be the cause of a severe ailment…

Hair Loss Disorders and How to Battle them
Hair loss is one of the major problems of people today. It effets the old, the young, men, women and children alike.

What You Need to Know About Reactional Hair Loss
There are many types and causes of hair loss and they can affect people from all walks of life and ages.

Hair Loss – Causes and Treatments
There are a lot of people who suffer from hair loss, men and women alike and most of them are unaware of the different hair solutions available to battle this predicament.

Micro Follicular Hair Transplanting: What is it?
Several years ago, a patient who had a tumor removed from his throat reported hairs growing beneath his tongue. Uncomfortable, right? How did this happen?

Causes of Hair Loss: Chemotherapy
One of the most psychologically devastating side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss.
Our hair restoration Mississauga professionals at Truly You Hair Solution Center can help you during this trying time. We will advise you on the best products to help you cope with hair loss during your treatment.

Synthetic Wigs in Mississauga and Greater Toronto Area
Most people incorrectly assume that human hair wigs are better than synthetic wigs. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Truly You can help you choose the right type of wig according to your needs. Never feel pressured to buy a wig straight away, wear it a bit in the shop and see how it feels.

Tips on Wigs for Women Undergoing Cancer Treatments
The loss of hair, partial or complete, is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, and it is considered by the majority of women as the most physically and emotionally devastating results of cancer therapy.

Fashion Forward Hair Replacement – Giving our female clients the celebrity treatment
The majority of women will begin to experience some form of hair loss by age 50 which, by the way is the new 30. There is an alternative treatment for adding volume to thin hair. It is semi-permanent, visually undetectable, and works every time. It is also the hottest thing among Hollywood celebrities.

So, you’re Thinking of Getting Additional Hair?
The big question is which hair is right for you? Naturally, you want the perfect match to your lifestyle.
You want your hair to be second nature… as in second only to your natural hair, and not by much. You need to find your hair happy place, but these days, that can take some extra leg work.

Hair loss – The silent epidemic and what you can do about it
There is an increasing epidemic dramatically affecting the appearance and confidence of women today. It is not something openly discussed, nor is it even fully understood by most health professionals. This epidemic is excessive hair thinning and loss.

The first reaction to the realization that one is losing their hair is usually denial. After all, who wants to face what is often the first sign of aging, not to mention a loss of a feature that is generally considered key to one’s attractiveness. Not surprisingly, experts say that denial is precisely the wrong reaction. It’s recommended that both women and men seek treatment as soon as they notice hair loss.

To women, hair is the ultimate symbol of feminity. Hair portrays a woman’s personality and feelings. Hair is known as our crowning glory. Its style, colour and length can make social statements as well as portray an individual’s personality and feelings. For a woman who is undergoing cancer treatments, hair loss represents one of the most devastating side effects. In most cases, hair loss may occur within 10 – 15 days from the first treatment. It may range from thinning to complete baldness, depending on the series of the treatment.

Coping with image changes from Cancer Treatment
Approximately 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer during their life, according to Canadian Cancer Statistics 2005. Women of all ages with all types of cancer reveal that cancer and its treatment are life-changing experiences significantly affecting women’s lives.